1. Information about the processing of personal data
HP Invest does not process any personal data via our website.
HP Invest is administrated by Nykredit Portefølje Administration A/S. Nykredit Portefølje Administration A/S’ processing of your personal data can be reached through the following link: https://www.nykredit.dk/politik/Personoplysninger_NPA/.
2. Specifically on cookies
When you visit HP Invest online, you will encounter cookies.
2.1 What is a cookie?
A cookie is a text file placed on your computer or another IT device. This will allow recognition of your computer or logging of data on which HP Invest websites and features you visit with your browser – but not on who you are, what your name is, where you live or whether the computer is being used by one or more persons. A cookie cannot spread computer viruses or other malware.
2.2 What do we use cookies for?
Cookies are used on almost all websites, and some websites will not work without cookies.
On HP Invest’s website, we use cookies for the following purposes:
· Improvement of technical functionality and performance. This means that we use cookies to optimise the way we deliver the website to you.
· Measuring traffic via Google Analytics
The data we obtain about you via cookies include:
· Which webpage you visited before you visited HP Invest
· Which HP Invest webpages you have browsed and when
· When and for how long you have visited webpages at HP Invest
· Which browser you are using
· Your operating system
2.3 Acceptance, rejection and deletion of cookies
The first time you visit a HP Invest website, you are informed that we use cookies. You accept the use of cookies by clicking "Jeg accepterer cookies" (I accept cookies). If you do want us to use only functionality-dependent cookies, click "Indstillinger" (Options). Here you can view and adjust the cookies you receive. You cannot disable the cookies required for proper functionality of the site.
We do, however, save a cookie to remember your choice.
You can withdraw your acceptance at any time or avoid cookies entirely by disabling them in your browser. Please note that if you withdraw your acceptance, your access to hpinvest.dk will be limited.
You can always reject cookies on your computer by changing your browser settings. The location of your settings depends on the browser you use. However, please note that if you reject cookies, you will be unable to use many functionalities and services as they work only if the website can remember your clicks.
All browsers permit you to delete cookies individually or en bloc; however, the method used depends on your browser. If you are using several browsers, you must delete cookies in them all. Most browsers allow you to delete your cookies by using the shortcut keys: CTRL+SHIFT+Delete.
Guides on how to delete cookies in:
· Chrome
· Firefox
· Safari
· Flash cookies (works for all browsers)
· iPhone, iPad and other Apple devices
· Smartphones with Android operating system
2.4 LinkedIn (third party-cookies)
On our website, you can link to/use the Like button for LinkedIn. Please note that if you do so, LinkedIn will receive technical data on your browser, IP address and the websites you visit. When you use these services/websites, their cookie rules apply.
For further information about cookies and the legal basis for using them, see the Executive Order on Information and Consent Required in Case of Storing or Accessing Information in End-User Terminal Equipment at the website of the Danish Business Authority (erhvervsstyrelsen.dk).
3. How to reach us
If you have any questions about the way we process your data or wish to withdraw your consent or exercise your rights, do not hesitate to contact:
Nykredit Portefølje Administration A/S
Kalvebod Brygge 1-3
1780 København V
CVR-number 16637602
Phone number +45 44 55 91 10
Or contact our data protection officer:
Nykredit Portefølje Administrations databeskyttelsesrådgiver
Kalvebod Brygge 1-3
1780 København V
4. How to complain
If you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal data, you can file a complaint with:
Nykredit Portefølje Administration A/S
Kalvebod Brygge 1-3
1780 København V
The Danish Data Protection Agency
Borgergade 28, 5.
1300 København K