
What do I do if I am dissatisfied?

Cash or custody accounts and advice

If you are dissatisfied with anything relating to your cash or custody accounts or advice about your investments in Investeringsforeningen HP Invest, please contact your bank or advisor.

Products from Investeringsforeningen HP Invest

If you are dissatisfied with anything directly related to the products of Investeringsforeningen HP Invest, please contact:

Investeringsforeningen HP Invest

c/o Nykredit Portefølje Administration A/S

Kalvebod Brygge 1 - 3

DK-1780 Copenhagen V

Then we will send you an answer and an explanation.

Complaints unit

If our answer is not satisfactory, please contact the complaints unit of Investeringsforeningen HP Invest:

Investeringsforeningen HP Invest

c/o Nykredit Portefølje Administration A/S

Kalvebod Brygge 1 - 3

DK-1780 Copenhagen V

Att: Complaints unit

Danish Complaint Board of Investment Funds

If you are not satisfied with the way Investeringsforeningen HP Invest has handled your complaint, you can contact the Danish Complaint Board of Investment Funds. The Complaint Board is jointly operated by the Danish Consumer Council and the Danish Investment Fund Association. The address is:

Det finansielle ankenævn

Store Kongensgade 62, 2

DK-1264 København K


+45 35 43 63 33